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第3部分 (7 / 8)


whispering spelling words; sniffing watermelon; and wondering if I was ever going to get my


Buddy; Beware!

Seventh grade brought changes; all right; but the biggest one didn't happen at school — it

happened at home。 Granddad Duncan came to live with


At first it was kind of weird because none of us really knew him。 Except for Mom; of course。

And even though she's spent the past year and a half

trying to convince us he's a great guy; from what I can tell; the thing he likes to do best is

stare out the front…room window。 There's not much to see

out there except the Bakers' front yard; but you can find him there day or night; sitting in the

big easy chair they moved in with him; staring out the


Okay; so he also reads Tom Clancy novels and the newspapers and does crossword puzzles

and tracks his stocks; but those things are all

distractions。 Given no one to justify it to; the man would stare out the window until he fell

asleep。 Not that there's anything wrong with that。 It just

seems so … boring。

Mom says he stares like that because he misses Grandma; but that's not something

Granddad had ever discussed with me。 As a matter of fact;

he never discussed much of anything with me until a few months ago when he read about

Juli in the newspaper。

……… Page 11………

Now; Juli Baker did not wind up on the fro

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