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第3部分 (6 / 8)

hat Bryce held my hand after that; but he did start being a little friendlier to

me。 Especially in the sixth grade; after Mr。 Mertins

sat us right next to each other in the third row back。

Sitting next to Bryce was nice。 He was nice。 He'd say Hi; Juli to me every morning; and once

in a while I'd catch him looking my way。 He'd always

blush and go back to his own work; and I couldn't help but smile。 He was so shy。 And so cute!

We talked to each other more; too。 Especially after Mr。 Mertins moved me behind him。 Mr。

Mertins had a detention policy about spelling; where if

you missed more than seven out of twenty…five words; you had to spend lunch inside with

him; writing your words over and over and over again。

The pressure of detention made Bryce panic。 And even though it bothered my conscience;

I'd lean in and whisper answers to him; hoping that

maybe I could spend lunch with him instead。 His hair smelled like watermelon; and his ear…

lobes had fuzz。 Soft; blond fuzz。 And I wondered about

that。 How does a boy with such black hair wind up with blond ear fuzz? What's it doing there;

anyway? I checked my own ear…lobes in the mirror but

couldn't find much of anything on them; and I didn't spot any on other people's either。

I thought about asking Mr。 Mertins about earlobe fuzz when we were discussing evolution in

science; but I didn't。 Instead; I spent the yea

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