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第3部分 (8 / 8)

nt page of the Mayfield Times for being an eighth…

grade Einstein; like you might suspect。 No; my

friend; she got front…page coverage because she refused to climb out of a sycamore tree。

Not that I could tell a sycamore from a maple or a birch for that matter; but Juli; of course;

knew what kind of tree it was and passed that

knowledge along to every creature in her wake。

So this tree; this sycamore tree; was up the hill on a vacant lot on Collier Street; and it was

massive。 Massive and ugly。 It was twisted and gnarled

and bent; and I kept expecting the thing to blow over in the wind。

One day last year I'd finally had enough of her yakking about that stupid tree。 I came right out

and told her that it was not a magnificent sycamore;

it was; in reality; the ugliest tree known to man。 And you know what she said? She said I was

visually challenged。 Visually challenged! This from the

girl who lives in a house that's the scourge of the neighborhood。 They've got bushes growing

over windows; weeds sticking out all over the place;

and a barnyard's wort

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