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第75部分 (2 / 9)

uld read with fluency; and had plenty of

cunning intelligence。 But he could not keep still。 And he had a

kind of sickness very repulsive to a sensitive girl; something

cunning and etiolated and degenerate。 Once he had thrown an

ink…well at her; in one of his mad little rages。 Twice he had

run home out of class。 He was a well…known character。

And he grinned up his sleeve at this girl…teacher; sometimes

hanging round her to fawn on her。 But this made her dislike him

more。 He had a kind of leech…like power。

From one of the children she took a supple cane; and this she

determined to use when real occasion came。 One morning; at

position; she said to the boy Williams:

〃Why have you made this blot?〃

〃Please; miss; it fell off my pen;〃 he whined out; in the

mocking voice that he was so clever in using。 The boys near

snorted with laughter。 For Williams was an actor; he could

tickle the feelings of his hearers subtly。 Particularly he could

tickle the children with him into ridiculing his teacher; or

indeed; any authority of which he was not afraid。 He had that

peculiar gaol instinct。

〃Then you must stay in and finish another page of

position;〃 said the teacher。

This was against her usual sense of justice; and the boy

resented it derisively。 At twelve o'clock she caught him

slinking out。

〃Williams; sit down;〃 she s

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