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第36部分 (3 / 9)

m to put his hand on her ripe fullness; so that

he should thrill also with the stir and the quickening there。 He

was afraid and silent; but she flung her arms round his neck

with proud; impudent joy。

The pains came on; and Oh……how she cried! She would have

him stay with her。 And after her long cries she would look at

him; with tears in her eyes and a sobbing laugh on her face;


〃I don't mind it really。〃

It was bad enough。 But to her it was never deathly。 Even the

fierce; tearing pain was exhilarating。 She screamed and

suffered; but was all the time curiously alive and vital。 She

felt so powerfully alive and in the hands of such a masterly

force of life; that her bottom…most feeling was one of

exhilaration。 She knew she was winning; winning; she was always

winning; with each onset of pain she was nearer to victory。

Probably he suffered more than she did。 He was not shocked or

horrified。 But he was screwed very tight in the vise of


It was a girl。 The second of silence on her face when they

said so showed him she was disappointed。 And a great blazing

passion of resentment and protest sprang up in his heart。 In

that moment he claimed the child。

But when the milk came; and the infant sucked her breast; she

seemed to be leaping with extravagant bliss。

〃It sucks me; it sucks me; it likes me……o

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