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第36部分 (2 / 9)

d as she lifted her face;

that was radiant and rosy as a little cloud; his heart still

yearned over her; and; now from the distance; adored her。 She

had a flower…like presence which he adored as he stood far off;

a stranger。

The weeks passed on; the time drew near; they were very

gentle; and delicately happy。 The insistent; passionate; dark

soul; the powerful unsatisfaction in him seemed stilled and

tamed; the lion lay down with the lamb in him。

She loved him very much indeed; and he waited near her。 She

was a precious; remote thing to him at this time; as she waited

for her child。 Her soul was glad with an ecstasy because of the

ing infant。 She wanted a boy: oh; very much she wanted a


But she seemed so young and so frail。 She was indeed only a

girl。 As she stood by the fire washing herself……she was

proud to wash herself at this time……and he looked at her;

his heart was full of extreme tenderness for her。 Such fine;

fine limbs; her slim; round arms like chasing lights; and her

legs so simple and childish; yet so very proud。 Oh; she stood on

proud legs; with a lovely reckless balance of her full belly;

and the adorable little roundnesses; and the breasts being

important。 Above it all; her face was like a rosy cloud


How proud she was; what a lovely proud thing her young body!

And she loved hi

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