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第10部分 (1 / 8)

One Sunday at a camp…meeting; when Gabriel was twelve years old and was to be baptized;Deborah and Florence stood on the banks of a river along with all the other folks and watched him。

Gabriel had not wished to be baptized。 The thought had frightened and angered him; but hismother insisted that Gabriel was now of an age to be responsible before God for his sins—shewould not shirk the duty; laid on her by the Lord; of doing everything within he power to bringhim to the throne of grace。 On the banks of a river; under the violent light of noon; confessedbelievers and children of Gabriel’s age waited to be led into the water。 Standing out; waist…deepand robed in white; was the preacher; who would hold their heads briefly under the water; cryingout to Heaven as the baptized held his breath: ‘I indeed have baptized you with water: but He shallbaptize you with the Holy Ghost。’ Then; as they rose sputtering and blinded and were led to theshore; he cried out again: ‘Go thou and sin no more。’ They came up from the water; visibly underthe power of the Lord; and on the shore the saints awaited them; beating their tambourines。

Standing bear the shore were the elders of the church; holding towels with which to cover thenewly baptized; who were then led into the tents; one for either sex; where they could change theirclothes。

At last; Gabriel; dressed in an old white shirt and short linen pants; stood on the edge of thewater。 Then he was slowly led into the river; 

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