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第9部分 (1 / 8)

ther white men he couldfind。 They had beaten him and left him for dead。 Now; everyone had shut their doors; praying andwaiting; for it was said that the white folks would e to…night and set fire to all the houses; asthey had done before。

In the night that pressed outside they heard only the horse’s hoofs; which did not stop; therewas not the laughter they would have heard had there been many ing on this road; and nocalling out of curses; and no one crying for mercy to white men; or to God。 The hoofbeats came tothe door and passed; and rang; while they listened; ever more faintly away。 Then Florence realizedhow frightened she had been。 She watched her mother rise and walk to the window。 She peered outthrough a corner of the blanket that covered it。

‘They’s gone;’ she said; ‘whoever they was。’ Then: ‘Blessed be the name of the Lord;’ shesaid。

Thus had her mother lived and died; and she had often been brought lo; but she had neverbeen forsaken。 She had always seemed to Florence the oldest woman in the world; for she oftenspoke of Florence and Gabriel as the children of her old age; and she had been born; innumerableyears ago; during slavery; on a plantation in another state。 On this plantation she had grown up asone of the field…workers; for she was very tall and strong; and by and by she had married andraised children; all of whom had been taken from her; one by sickness and two by auction; andone; whom she had not been allowed to call her own; had been

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