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第7部分 (4 / 7)


Francis Bacon on Truth

Francis Bacon

In this famous essay; first published in 1625; Francis Bacon declares that truth in the philosophical and theological sense; as well as honesty in the civil1 business sense; are the “sovereign2 good of human nature。”

Truth; which only doth judge itself; teacheth that the inquiry of truth; which is the love…making or wooing of it; the knowledge of truth; which is the presence of it; and the belief of truth; which is the enjoying of it; is the sovereign good of human nature。 The first creature of God; in the works of the days; was the light of the sense; the last was the light of reason; and his sabbath3 work ever since is the illumination of his Spirit。 First he breathed light upon the face of the matter or chaos; then he breathed light into the face of man; and still he breatheth and inspireth light into the face of his chosen。 The poet that beautified the sect that was otherwise inferior to the rest saith yet excellently well: It is a pleasure to stand upon the shore and to see ships tossed upon the sea; a pleasure to stand in the window of a castle and to see a battle and the adventures thereof below; but no pleasure is parable to the standing upon the vantage4 ground of truth (a hill not to be manded; and where the air is always clear and serene); and to see the errors and wanderings and mists and tempests in the vale below; so always that this prospect be with pity; and no

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