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第9部分 (5 / 7)

dscape to words。 This one peers about; as he goes; among the grasses; he waits by the canal to watch the dragonflies; he leans on the gate of the pasture; and cannot look enough upon the placent kine。 And here es another; talking; laughing; and gesticulating to himself。 His face changes from time to time; as indignation flashes from his eyes or anger clouds his forehead。 He is posing articles; delivering orations; and conducting the most impassioned interviews; by the way。 A little farther on; and it is as like as not he will begin to sing。 And well for him; supposing him to be no great master in that art; if he stumbles across no stolid peasant at a corner; for on such an occasion; I scarcely know which is the more troubled; or whether it is worse to suffer the confusion of your troubadour6; or the unfeigned alarm of your clown。 A sedentary population; accustomed; besides; to the strange mechanical bearing of the mon tramp; can in no wise explain to itself the gaiety of these passers…by。 I knew one man who was arrested as a runaway lunatic; because although a full…grown person with a red beard; he skipped as he went like a child。 And you would be astonished if I were to tell you all the grave and learned heads who have confessed to me that; when on walking tours; they sang—and sang very ill—and had a pair of red ears when; as described above; the inauspicious peasant plumped into their arms from round a corner。




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