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守望诗刊收录骏青追日的诗,有英文翻译版,很是感谢 (1 / 1)

骏青追日的诗 翻译:碉楼里的小妖 谁与春天保持一致的沉默 谁与春天保持一致的沉默 雨到来前。风出走后 如断流的河滩,被搁置或者荒芜 当日子在翻动的片刻 野火不断。我记得是个傍晚 吞噬着历史,妄图烧毁世界, 把昨天再一次放逐 在夜安静下来的时候,你要沉默 翻晒一冬的蒜苗保持着绿的诱惑 窗帘打开的时节让风进来 浣洗凝固的沉闷和期待。杜鹃花香 侵袭着我熟睡的早晨 一瓣叶子上跳动的火焰。很温暖 很沉默 Who Is Silent As Spring Who would carry the silence of spring Before rain. After wind As dried river banks, deserted. Or surrendered Moments of days leafed through Wild fires continue. I recall the hour of dusk Exhausting history; attempting to burn down the world. Today Has Yesterday once more exiled When night quiets, you need to be silent Garlic leaves sun-dried for a winter still allure of green ‘Tis time to pull back curtains. Bring wind in Wash out embalmed greyness and expectations. Scents of Rhododendron Invade my slumbering morn. Flames dance on a leaf’s petal. All was warmth All was silence 责任编辑:碉楼里的小妖 2010年3月第四期 主编:倩理 编辑:角度野绿安云雪貂 梦桐疏影水殿月影 碉楼里的小妖 制作:安云向日葵的光 >>点击进入守望诗社<<喜欢骏青追日()骏青追日。

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