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第78部分 (3 / 9)

f a farm; behind Belcote Hall。

The hall was too damp to live in; so the Schofields were

caretakers; gamekeepers; farmers; all in one。 The father was

gamekeeper and stock…breeder; the eldest son was

market…gardener; using the big hall gardens; the second son was

farmer and gardener。 There was a large family; as at


Ursula loved to stay at Belcote; to be treated as a grand

lady by Maggie's brothers。 They were good…looking men。 The

eldest was twenty…six years old。 He was the gardener; a man not

very tall; but strong and well made; with brown; sunny; easy

eyes and a face handsomely hewn; brown; with a long fair

moustache which he pulled as he talked to Ursula。

The girl was excited because these men attended to her when

she came near。 She could make their eyes light up and quiver;

she could make Anthony; the eldest; twist and twist his

moustache。 She knew she could move them almost at will with her

light laughter and chatter。 They loved her ideas; watched her as

she talked vehemently about politics or economics。 And she;

while she talked; saw the golden…brown eyes of Anthony gleam

like the eyes of a satyr as they watched her。 He did not listen

to her words; he listened to her。 It excited her。

He was like a faun pleased when she would go with him over

his hothouses; to look at the green and pretty plants; at the

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