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第93部分 (2 / 9)

y across the field。 The horses

galloped along the other side of the hedge to the corner; where

they were held up。 She could feel them there in their huddled

group all the while she hastened across the bare field。 They

were almost pathetic; now。 Her will alone carried her; till;

trembling; she climbed the fence under a leaning thorn tree that

overhung the grass by the high…road。 The use went from her; she

sat on the fence leaning back against the trunk of the thorn

tree; motionless。

As she sat there; spent; time and the flux of change passed

away from her; she lay as if unconscious upon the bed of the

stream; like a stone; unconscious; unchanging; unchangeable;

whilst everything rolled by in transience; leaving her there; a

stone at rest on the bed of the stream; inalterable and passive;

sunk to the bottom of all change。

She lay still a long time; with her back against the thorn

tree trunk; in her final isolation。 Some colliers passed;

tramping heavily up the wet road; their voices sounding out;

their shoulders up to their ears; their figures blotched and

spectral in the rain。 Some did not see her。 She opened her eyes

languidly as they passed by。 Then one man going alone saw her。

The whites of his eyes showed in his black face as he looked in

wonderment at her。 He hesitated in his walk; as if to speak to

her; out of fr

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