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第81部分 (2 / 9)

tom their hearts; in the window…bay was a broad; sunny seat;

the table was so solid one could not jostle it; and the chairs

so strong one could knock them over without hurting them。 The

familiar organ that Brangwen had made stood on one side; looking

peculiarly small; the sideboard was fortably reduced to

normal proportions。 This was the family living…room。

Ursula had a bedroom to herself。 It was really a servants'

bedroom; small and plain。 Its window looked over the back garden

at other back gardens; some of them old and very nice; some of

them littered with packing…cases; then at the backs of the

houses whose fronts were the shops in High Street; or the

genteel homes of the under…manager or the chief cashier; facing

the chapel。

She had six weeks still before going to college。 In this time

she nervously read over some Latin and some botany; and fitfully

worked at some mathematics。 She was going into college as a

teacher; for her training。 But; having already taken her

matriculation examination; she was entered for a university

course。 At the end of a year she would sit for the Intermediate

Arts; then two years after for her B。A。 So her case was not that

of the ordinary school…teacher。 She would be working among the

private students who came only for pure education; not for mere

professional training。 She would be of the ele

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