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第86部分 (1 / 9)

plication of dead reality; then what had his under…life to do

with her? One's social wife was almost a material symbol。

Whereas now she was something more vivid to him than anything in

conventional life could be。 She gave the plete lie to all

conventional life; he and she stood together; dark; fluid;

infinitely potent; giving the living lie to the dead whole which

contained them。

He watched her pensive; puzzled face。

〃I don't think I want to marry you;〃 she said; her brow


It piqued him rather。

〃Why not?〃 he asked。

〃Let's think about it afterwards; shall we?〃 she said。

He was crossed; yet he loved her violently。

〃You've got a museau; not a face;〃 he said。

〃Have I?〃 she cried; her face lighting up like a pure flame。

She thought she had escaped。 Yet he returned……he was not


〃Why?〃 he asked; 〃why don't you want to marry me?〃

〃I don't want to be with other people;〃 she said。 〃I want to

be like this。 I'll tell you if ever I want to marry you。〃

〃All right;〃 he said。

He would rather the thing was left indefinite; and that she

took the responsibility。

They talked of the Easter vacation。 She thought only of

plete enjoyment。

They went to an hotel in Piccadilly。 She was supposed to be

his wife。 They bought a wedding…ring for a shilling; from a shop

in a poor quarter。

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