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第53部分 (2 / 9)

hung dead; with opened; speckled

wings; in the dairy。 The time was e to make pies; in


The expectation grew more tense。 The star was risen into the

sky; the songs; the carols were ready to hail it。 The star was

the sign in the sky。 Earth too should give a sign。 As evening

drew on; hearts beat fast with anticipation; hands were full of

ready gifts。 There were the tremulously expectant words of the

church service; the night was past and the morning was e; the

gifts were given and received; joy and peace made a flapping of

wings in each heart; there was a great burst of carols; the

Peace of the World had dawned; strife had passed away; every

hand was linked in hand; every heart was singing。

It was bitter; though; that Christmas Day; as it drew on to

evening; and night; became a sort of bank holiday; flat and

stale。 The morning was so wonderful; but in the afternoon and

evening the ecstasy perished like a nipped thing; like a bud in

a false spring。 Alas; that Christmas was only a domestic feast;

a feast of sweetmeats and toys! Why did not the grown…ups also

change their everyday hearts; and give way to ecstasy? Where was

the ecstasy?

How passionately the Brangwens craved for it; the ecstasy。

The father was troubled; dark…faced and disconsolate; on

Christmas night; because the passion was not there; because the

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