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第61部分 (2 / 9)

d gradually he came back

to her; another man。 She was soft and winning and caressing。 She

was his servant; his adoring slave。 And she restored the whole

shell of him。 She restored the whole form and figure of him。 But

the core was gone。 His pride was bolstered up; his blood ran

once more in pride。 But there was no core to him: as a distinct

male he had no core。 His triumphant; flaming; overweening heart

of the intrinsic male would never beat again。 He would be

subject now; reciprocal; never the indomitable thing with a core

of overweening; unabateable fire。 She had abated that fire; she

had broken him。

But she caressed him。 She would not have him remember what

had been。 She would not remember herself。

〃Kiss me; Anton; kiss me;〃 she pleaded。

He kissed her; but she knew he could not touch her。 His arms

were round her; but they had not got her。 She could feel his

mouth upon her; but she was not at all pelled by it。

〃Kiss me;〃 she whispered; in acute distress; 〃kiss me。〃

And he kissed her as she bade him; but his heart was hollow。

She took his kisses; outwardly。 But her soul was empty and


Looking away; she saw the delicate glint of oats dangling

from the side of the stack; in the moonlight; something proud

and royal; and quite impersonal。 She had been proud with them;

where they were; she had been also。 B

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