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第29部分 (2 / 9)

ame; and the night。 She had not lighted the

lamp。 His heart burned with pain and with grief。 He trembled to

go to her。

And at last he went; hesitating; burdened with a great

offering。 The hardness had gone out of him; his body was

sensitive; slightly trembling。 His hand was curiously sensitive;

shrinking; as he shut the door。 He fixed the latch almost


In the kitchen was only the fireglow; he could not see her。

He quivered with dread lest she had gone……he knew not

where。 In shrinking dread; he went through to the parlour; to

the foot of the stairs。

〃Anna;〃 he called。

There was no answer。 He went up the stairs; in dread of the

empty house……the horrible emptiness that made his heart

ring with insanity。 He opened the bedroom door; and his heart

flashed with certainty that she had gone; that he was alone。

But he saw her on the bed; lying very still and scarcely

noticeable; with her back to him。 He went and put his hand on

her shoulder; very gently; hesitating; in a great fear and

self…offering。 She did not move。

He waited。 The hand that touched her shoulder hurt him; as if

she were sending it away。 He stood dim with pain。

〃Anna;〃 he said。

But still she was motionless; like a curled up; oblivious

creature。 His heart beat with strange throes of pain。 Then; by a

motion under his hand; he knew sh

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