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第16部分 (1 / 8)

ness; and Abraham wastheir father; Moses had elected to suffer with them rather that glory in sin for a season。 Shadrach;Meshach; and Abednego had gone before them into the fire; their grief had been sung by David;and Jeremiah had wept for them。 Ezekiel had prophesied upon them; these scattered bones; theseslain; and; in the fullness of time; the prophet; John; had e out of the wilderness; crying that thepromise was for them。 They were enpassed with a very cloud of witnesses: Judas; who hadbetrayed the Lord; Thomas; who had doubted Him; Peter; who had trembled at the crowing of acock; Stephen; who had been stoned; Paul; who had been bound; the blind man crying in the dustyroad; the dead man rising from the grave。 And they looked unto Jesus; the author and the finisherof their faith; running with patience the race He had set before them; they endured the cross; andthey despised the shame; and waited to join Him; one day; in glory; at the right hand of the Father。

My soul! don’t you be uneasy!

Jesus going to make up my dying bed!

‘Rise up; rise up; Brother Johnny; and talk about the Lord’s deliverance。’

It was Elisha who had spoken; he stood just above John; smiling; and behind him were thesaints—Praying Mother Washington; and Sister McCandless; and Sister Price。 Behind these; hesaw his mother; and his aunt; his father; for the moment; was hidden from his view。

‘Amen!’ cried Sister McCandless; ‘rise up; and praise the Lord!’

He trie

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