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第4部分 (1 / 8)

ncere young people;dedicate to the service of the Lord—it was only that; since they were young; they did not know thepitfall Satan laid for the unwary。 He knew that sin was not in their minds—not yet; yet sin was inthe flesh; and should they continue with their walking out alone together; their secrets andlaughter; and touching of hands; they would surely sin a sin beyond all forgiveness。 And Johnwondered what Elisha was thinking—Elisha ; who was tall and handsome; who played basket…ball;and who had been saved at the age of eleven in the improbable fields down south。 Had he sinned?

Had he been tempted? And the girl beside him; whose white robes now seemed the merest;thinnest covering for the nakedness of breasts and insistent thighs—what was her face like whenshe was alone with Elisha; with no singing; when they were not surrounded by the saints? He wasafraid to think of it; yet he could think of nothing else; and the fever of which they stood accusedbegan also to rage him。

After this Sunday Elisha and Ella Mae no longer met each other each day after school; nolonger spent Saturday afternoons wandering through Central Park; or lying on the beach。 All thatwas over for them。 If they came together again it would be in wedlock。 They would have childrenand raise them in the church。

This was what was meant by a holy life; this was what the way of the cross demanded。 Itwas somehow on that Sunday; a Sunday shortly before his birthday; that John first realized

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