rench doors that opened onto the dining room。 Nate
poured them each a tumbler full of scotch and then followed Blair
across the living room once more。
“Hey; where are you two going?” Chuck Bass asked as they walked
by。 He raised his eyebrows; leering at them suggestively。
Blair rolled her eyes at Chuck and kept walking; drinking as she
went。 Nate followed her; ignoring Chuck pletely。
Chuck Bass; the oldest son of Misty and Bartholomew Bass; was
handsome; aftershave…mercial handsome。 In fact; he’d starred
in a British Drakkar Noir mercial; much to his parents’ public
dismay and secret pride。 Chuck was also the horniest boy in Blair
and Nate’s group of friends。 Once; at a party in ninth grade; Chuck
had hidden in a guest bedroom closet for two hours; waiting to
crawl into bed with Kati Farkas; who was so drunk she kept throwing
up in her sleep。 Chuck didn’t even mind。 He just got in bed with her。
He was pletely unshakeable when it came to girls。
The only way to deal with a guy like Chuck is to laugh in his face;
which is exactly what all the girls who knew him did。 In other circles;
Chuck might have been banished as a slimeball of the highest
order; but these families had been friends for generations。 Chuck
was a Bass; and so they were stuck with him。 They had even gotten
used to his gold monogrammed pinky ring; his trademark navy bl