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第5部分 (8 / 8)

hey can be ornery。 I've had both kinds; and a lucky kite is

definitely worth chasing after。

This kite looked lucky to me。 It wasn't anything fancy; just an old…fashioned diamond with

blue and yellow stripes。 But it stuttered along in a friendly

way; and when it dive…bombed; it seemed to do so from exhaustion as opposed to spite。

Ornery kites dive…bomb out of spite。 They never get

exhausted because they won't stay up long enough to poop out。 Thirty feet up they just sort

of smirk at you and crash for the fun of it。

……… Page 17………

So Champ and I ran up to Collier Street; and after scouting out the road; Champ started

barking at the sycamore tree。 I looked up and spotted it;

too; flashing blue and yellow through the branches。

It was a long ways up; but I thought I'd give it a shot。 I shinnied up the trunk; took a shortcut

across the slide; and started climbing。 Champ kept a

good eye on me; barking me along; and soon I was higher than I'd ever been。 But still the

kite seemed forever away。

Then below me I noticed Bryce ing around the corner

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