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第5部分 (2 / 8)



No one was listening to him — no one ever does when he gets on one of his if…I…ran…the…

circus jags — but for once Mom wasn't even pretending。

And for once she wasn't trying to convince Lyta that dinner was delicious either。 She just

kept eyeing me and Granddad; trying to pick up on why

we were miffed at each other。

Not that he had anything to be miffed at me about。 What had I done to him; anyway? Nothing。

Nada。 But he was; I could tell。 And I pletely

avoided looking at him until about halfway through dinner; when I sneaked a peek。

He was studying me; all right。 And even though it wasn't a mean stare; or a hard stare; it was;

you know; firm。 Steady。 And it weirded me out。

What was his deal?

I didn't look at him again。 Or at my mother。 I just went back to eating and pretended to listen

to my dad。 And the first chance I got; I excused myself

and holed up in my room。

I was planning to call my friend Garrett like I usually do when I'm bent about something。 I

even punched in his number; but I don't know。 I just hung

up。And later when my mom came in; I faked like I was sleeping。 I haven't done that in years。

The whole night was weird like that。 I just wanted to be

left alone。

Juli wasn't at the bus stop the next morning。 Or Friday morning。 She was at school; but you'd

never know it if you didn't actually look。 She di

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