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第14部分 (1 / 8)

my father was all over her; trying to calm her down。 It

was no use。 She basically dissolved right there on the spot。

Lyta threw her napkin down and muttered; “This family is a joke;” and took off。 Then my

mother bolted out of the room; sobbing into her hands;

and my father raced after her; throwing my grandfather the wickedest look I'd ever seen。

That left Granddad and me and a table full of cold food。 “Wow;” I finally said。 “I had no idea。”

“You still don't;” he told me。

“What do you mean?”

He sat there like granite for a minute; then leaned across the table toward me and said; “Why

do you suppose that upset your mother so much?”

“I…I don't know。” I gave a halfhearted grin and said; “Because she's female?”

He smiled; but just barely。 “No。 She's upset because she knows that she could very well be

standing in Mr。 Baker's shoes right now。”

I thought about it a minute and finally asked; “Did her brother have the cord around his neck

when he was born?”

He shook his head。

“Well; then …”

He leaned forward even farther and whispered; “You did。”

“I did?”

He nodded。 “Twice。”

“But …”

“The doctor who delivered you was on the ball; plus apparently there was some slack in the

cord; so he was able to loop it off as you came out。

……… Page 42………

You didn't hang yourself ing into the world; but it could very easily have gon

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