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第20部分 (6 / 8)

felt like

scrubbing because I got a call from Patsy。”

“Loski?” my dad asked。 “Is something wrong?”

My mother pushed a few wisps of hair back and said; “No…。 She called to invite us over for

dinner on Friday。”

We blinked at her a moment; then I asked; “All of us?”


I could see what my dad was thinking: Why? All these years of living across the street; and

we'd never been invited over。 Why now?

My mom could see it; too。 She sighed and said; “Robert; I don't exactly know why; but she

was insistent。 She was practically in tears; saying how

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sorry she was that she'd never invited us before and how she'd really like to get to know us


“What did you tell her?”

“I couldn't very well say no。 She was being so nice; and Chet has really done a lot…。” She

shrugged and said; “I said we'd go。 It's set for six

o'clock Friday night。”

“Really?” I asked。

She shrugged again。 “I think it might be nice。 A little strange; but nice。”

“Well; okay then;” my dad said。 “I won't schedule any overtime for Friday。 What about the


“There's no gig on the calendar; and they're not scheduled to work; but I haven't talked to

them about it yet。”

“Are you sure they want us all over there?” my dad asked。

My mom nodded。 “She insists。”

I could tell the whole idea of dinner at the Loskis' was making my da

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