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第22部分 (8 / 8)

boys could afford to buy recording gear like that。” He glared at

Lyta。 “Isn't that so?”

Lyta's eyes looked like they were going to pop right out of her head。

“Rick; please!” my mother said。 “You can't just make accusations like that!”

“It's the only thing that makes sense; Patsy。 Believe me; I know how musicians are。 There is

no other explanation for this。”

Lyta shouted; “I happen to know for a fact that they don't use or deal。 Where do you get

off saying something like that? You are such a twofaced;

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condescending; narrow…minded jackass!”

There was a split second of silence; and then he slapped her; smack; right across the cheek。

That put my mother in his face like I'd never seen and sent my sister screaming insults over

her shoulder as she ran down to her room。

My heart was pounding。 Lyta was right and I almost; almost got in his face; too; and told

him so。 But then my granddad pulled me aside and

we both retr

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