当前位置:365书包网>游戏竞技>flipped除霉啫喱> 第22部分
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第22部分 (5 / 8)

 while I'm getting uptight

about my dad asking them questions about money; of all

things; my mom's fumbling all over herself; trying to sweep away my dad's big pawprints。

“When Rick and I met; he was playing in a band…。”

Poached salmon was suddenly swimming down the wrong hatch。 And while I'm choking;

Lyta's bugging out her raccoon eyes; gasping; “You?

Played in a band? What did you play; clari?”

“No; honey;” my mom says; trying to hold it all together。 “Your father played guitar。”


“Cool!” Matt…or…Mike says。 “Rock? Country? Jazz?”

“Country;” my dad says。 “Which is nothing to scoff at; boys。”

“Dude! We know。 Total respect; man。”

“And when our band looked into getting a demo made; it was astronomically expensive。 That

was in a big city; where there was a little

petition。 Getting a demo made around here? I didn't even know there was a facility。”

Matt and Mike are still grinning。 “There's not。”

“So where'd you go? And how'd you afford it?” My mother whacks him under the table again;

so he says; “I'm just curious; Patsy!”

Matt and Mike lean in。 “We did it ourselves。”

……… Page 68………

“This right here? You did this yourselves? That's impossible。” He's looking almost mad about

it。 “How'd you get the gear?”

My mom kicks him again; but Dad turns on her and says; “Stop it; would you? I'm just



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