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第9部分 (2 / 8)

Lyta takes off down the hall and my mother says; “Salmonella?” She turns to my father。

“Do you suppose they could have salmonella?”

“I don't know; Patsy。 I'm more concerned that our son is a coward。”

“A coward! Rick; please。 Bryce is no such thing。 He's a wonderful child who's — ”

“Who's afraid of a girl。”

“Dad; I'm not afraid of her; she just bugs me!”


“You know why! She bugs you; too。 She's over the top about everything!”

……… Page 27………

“Bryce; I asked you to conquer your fear; but all you did was give in to it。 If you were in love

with her; that would be one thing。 Love is something to

be afraid of; but this; this is embarrassing。 So she talks too much; so she's too enthused

about every little thing; so what? Get in; get your question

answered; and get out。 Stand up to her; for cryin' out loud!”

“Rick …;” my mom was saying; “Rick; calm down。 He did find out what you asked him to — ”

“No; he didn't!”

“What do you mean?”

“He tells me they're all chickens! Of course they're all chickens! The question is how many

are hens; and how many are roosters。”

I could almost hear the click in my brain; and man; I felt like a plete doofus。 No wonder

he was disgusted with me。 I was an idiot! They were

all chickens … du…uh! Garrett acted like he was some expert on chickens; and he didn't know

diddly…squat! Why had I listened to hi

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