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第8部分 (1 / 8)

said they were delicious。 My mother; though; couldn't get past the idea that she might be

cracking open a dead chick; and pretty soon discussion

turned to the role of the rooster — something me and my Cheerios could've done without。

Finally Lyta said; “If they had a rooster; don't you think we'd know? Don't you think the

whole neighborhood would know?”

Hmmm; we all said; good point。 But then my mom pipes up with; “Maybe they got it de…

yodeled。 You know — like they de…bark dogs?”

“A de…yodeled rooster;” my dad says; like it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard。 Then

he looks at my mom and realizes that he'd be way

better off going along with her de…yodeled idea than making fun of her。 “Hmmm;” he says;

“I've never heard of such a thing; but maybe so。”

Lyta shrugs and says to my mom; “So just ask them; why don't you。 Call up Mrs。 Baker

and ask her。”

“Oh;” my mom says。 “Well; I'd hate to call her eggs into question。 It doesn't seem very polite;

now; does it?”

“Just ask Matt or Mike;” I say to Lyta。

She scowls at me and hisses; “Shut up。”

“What? What'd I do now?”

“Haven't you noticed I haven't been going down there; you idiot?”

“Lyta!” my mom says。 Like this is the first time she's heard my sister talk to me or


“Well; it's true! How can he not have noticed?” “I was going to ask you about that; honey。 Did


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