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evidently English; otherwise I should have guessed from his impressive air that he was her father。 I wished I could hear what he was saying。 I was sure he was giving the very best advice; and the strong tenderness of his gaze was really beautiful。 He seemed magnetic; as he poured out his final injunctions。 I could feel something of his magnetism even where I stood。 And the magnetism; like the profile; was vaguely familiar to me。 Where had I experienced it?

In a flash I remembered。 The man was Hubert Le Ros。 But how changed since last I saw him! That was seven or eight years ago; in the Strand。 He was then (as usual) out of an engagement; and borrowed half…a…crown。 It seemed a privilege to lend anything to him。 He was always magnetic。 And why his magnetism5 had never made him successful on the London stage was always a mystery to me。 He was an excellent actor; and a man of sober habit。 But; like many others of his kind; Hubert Le Ros (I do not; of course; give the actual name by which he was known) drifted speedily away into the provinces; and I; like every one else; ceased to remember him。。 最好的txt下载网

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It was strange to see him; after all these years; here on the platform of Euston; looking so prosperous and solid。 It was not only the flesh that he had put on; but also the clothes; that made him hard to recognize。 In the old days; an imitation fur coat had seemed to be as integral a part of him as were his ill…shorn lantern jaws。 But now his costume 

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