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第34部分 (2 / 8)


There was a hint of reproach in his tone which was not lost upon the other。

〃Yes; yes; of course;〃 he said。 〃When do you wish to start; Monsieur Poirot?〃

〃You are very busy at present; sir;〃 murmured Knighton。

But the millionaire had now made up his mind; and he waved the other's objections aside。

〃I guess this business es first;〃 he said。 〃All right; Monsieur Poirot; tomorrow。 What train?〃

〃We will go; I think; by the Blue Train;〃 said Poirot; and he smiled。

Chapter 34


'The millionaire's train;' as it is sometimes called; swung round a curve of line at what seemed a dangerous speed。 Van Aldin; Knighton and Poirot sat together in silence。

Knighton and Van Aldin had two partments connecting with each other; as Ruth Kettering and her maid had had on the fateful journey。 Poirot's own partment was further along the coach。

The journey was a painful one for Van Aldin; recalling as it did the most agonizing memories。 Poirot and Knighton conversed occasionally in low tones without disturbing him。

When; however; the train had pleted its slow journey round the ceinture and reached the Gare de Lyon; Poirot became suddenly galvanized into activity。 Van Aldin realized that part of his object in travelling by the train had been to attempt to reconstruct the crime。 Poirot himself acted every part。 He was in turn the maid; hurriedly shut into her own partment; Mrs Kettering; reco

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