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第19部分 (2 / 8)

He was in no mood for appreciating the beauties of scenery。 A fully matured scheme had been rudely brought to naught; and his plans had to be cast afresh。 Stretching himself out in a basket chair; a cigarette held between his white fingers; the te pondered deeply。

Presently Hippolyte; his manservant; brought out coffee and a choice of liqueurs。 The te selected some very fine old brandy。

As the man…servant was preparing to depart; the te arrested him with a slight gesture。 Hippolyte stood respectfully to attention。

His countenance was hardly a prepossessing one; but the correctitude of his demeanour went far to obliterate the fact。

He was now the picture of respectful attention。

〃It is possible;〃 said the te; 〃that in the course of the next few days various strangers may e to the house。 They will endeavour to scrape acquaintance with you and with Marie。 They will probably ask you various questions concerning me。〃

〃Yes; Monsieur le te。〃

〃Perhaps this has already happened?〃

〃No; Monsieur le te。〃

〃There have been no strangers about the place? You are certain?〃

〃There has been no one; Monsieur le te。〃

〃That is well;〃 said the te drily; 〃nevertheless they will e … I am sure of it。 They will ask questions。〃

Hippolyte looked at his master in intelligent anticipation。

The te spoke slowly; without looking at Hippolyte。

〃As you know; I arrived here last Tuesday morning。 If the police or any

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