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第25部分 (2 / 8)

rite to me I should hold sacred。〃 He flung back his head with a beautiful air of nobility。 〃The proposition that I was putting before you was of quite a different nature。 I am; as I said; extremely short of money; and my conscience might impel me to go to the police with certain information。〃

Derek came slowly back into the room。

〃What do you mean?〃

The te's agreeable smile flashed forth once more。

〃Surely it is not necessary to go into details;〃 he purred。 〃Seek whom the crime benefits; they say; don't they? As I said just now; you have e into a lot of money lately。〃

Derek laughed。

〃If that is all …〃 he said contemptuously。

But the te was shaking his head。 〃But it is not all; my dear sir。 I should not e to you unless I had much more precise and detailed information than that。 It is not agreeable; Monsieur; to be arrested and tried for murder。〃

Derek came close up to him。 His face expressed such furious anger that involuntarily the te drew back a pace or two。

〃Are you threatening me?〃 the young man demanded angrily。

〃You shall hear nothing more of the matter;〃 the te assured him。

〃Of all the colossal bluffs that I have ever struck …〃

The te raised a white hand。

〃You are wrong。 It is not a bluff。 To convince you I will tell you this。 My information was obtained from a certain lady。 It is she who holds the irrefutable proof that you mitted the murder。〃

〃She? Who?〃


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