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第19部分 (2 / 7)

find an overworked man of extraordinary cheerfulness; responsive; ready to laugh。 He is master of his business—a fact emphasised by the fog—to a degree refreshing to one whose experience of men professing some practical calling is that the great majority; some from mere stupidity; some from over…hasty enthusiasm; are quite inpetent。 When finally I left him; his mate piloted me through wheels and horses to the pavement; and I felt I had been among folk who deserve to live。 On Sunday night I walked a mile to my abode; and made a point of asking my whereabouts of every one I met。 Not one churlish or even hurried answer: politeness; jokes; reminiscences; laughter。 We are a kindly people; and it is worth a fog to know it。 Another pleasure of a fog is a mild but extended form of the pleasure we feel when we hear that a millionaire has broken his leg。 The too fortunate are suffering a discontent health cannot remove。 There was in that block a fat brougham containing an important…looking old man who foamed at the mouth; and one reflected that there was a temporary equality of fortunes。

Such are the pleasures we may take in a London fog。

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