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第13部分 (2 / 7)

ll wake me。 She sits down on the arm of the chair in which I am asleep; with her soft hand stroking my hair; and I hear her beloved; well…known voice say in my ear: “Get up; my darling。 It is time to go by…by。”

No envious gaze sees her now。 She is not afraid to shed upon me the whole of her tenderness and love。 I do not wake up; yet I kiss and kiss her hand。

“Get up; then; my angel。”

She passes her other arm round my neck; and her fingers tickle me as they move across it。 The room is quiet and in half…darkness; but the tickling has touched my nerves and I begin to awake。 Mamma is sitting near me—that I can tell—and touching me; I can hear her voice and feel her presence。 This at last rouses me to spring up; to throw my arms around her neck; to hide my head in her bosom; and to say with a sigh:

童 年(3)

“Ah; dear; darling Mamma; how much I love you!”

She smiles her sad; enchanting3 smile; takes my head between her two hands; kisses me on the forehead; and lifts me on to her lap。

“Do you love me so much; then?” she says。 Then; after a few moments’ silence; she continues: “And you must love me always; and never forget me。 If your Mamma should no longer be here; will you promise never to forget her—never; Nicolinka?” and she kisses me more fondly than ever。

“Oh; but you must not speak so; darling Mamma; my own darling Mamma!” I exclaim as I clasp her knees; and tears of joy and love fall from my eyes。

How; after scenes

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