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第27部分 (2 / 8)

Basket Boys

The Monday after the Loskis' dinner party; Darla tracked me down at school and forced

Bryce Loski back into my brain。 “Jules! Whoa; girl; wait up!

How have you been?”

“I'm fine; Darla; how are you?”

……… Page 82………

“No; seriously;” she whispered。 “Are you doing okay?” She shifted her backpack and looked

over each shoulder。 “I got to thinking; you know; that

was just so cold of Bryce。 Especially since you've got that soft spot for him。”

“Who told you that?”

“Like I haven't got eyes? e on; girl。 It's a given。 Which is why I got to worryin' about you。

Are you seriously all right?”

“Yes; I am。 But thanks for thinking about me。” I eyed her and said; “And Darla? It's not a

given anymore。”

She laughed。 “How long's this diet gonna last?”

“It's not a diet。 I've just; uh; lost my taste for him。”

She looked at me skeptically。 “Uh…huh。”

“Well; I have。 But thanks for; you know; caring。”

All through first period I was still feeling strong and right and certain; but then Mrs。 Simmons

ended the lesson a full fifteen minutes early and said;

“Clear your desks of everything but a pen or pencil。”

“What?” everyone cried; and believe me—I was right along with them。 I was not prepared for

a quiz!

“Everything!” she said。 “e on; you're wasting valuable time。”

The room filled with grumbles and the sound of shuffling binders; 

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