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第13部分 (8 / 8)

know the details; Patsy。 Maybe there are no government facilities nearby。 Maybe they

thought a private facility was a better place for him

to be。”

“Still;” my dad says; “there are government facilities available; and if they don't want to go

that route; that's their choice。 It's not our fault their

family had some sort of chromosomal abnormality; and I refuse to feel guilty for wanting — ”

My grandfather slams his hand on the table and half…stands as he says; “It had nothing to do

with chromosomes; Rick! It was caused by a lack of

oxygen at birth。” He brings his voice down; but it makes his words seem even more forceful。

“Juli's uncle had the umbilical cord wrapped around his

neck。 Twice。 One minute he was a perfect little baby; just like your son; Bryce; and the next

he was irreversibly damaged。”

My mother was suddenly hysterical。 In seconds she was bawling her eyes out; wailing; and

my father was all over her; trying to calm her down。 It

was no use。 She

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