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第13部分 (2 / 8)

ge 39………

And what I wound up doing was looking out the stupid window at Juli and my grandfather。 It

was a totally lame thing to do; but that's what I did。

I got nailed doing it; too。 By my grandfather。 And he; of course; had to point me out to Juli;

which made me feel another two inches shorter。 I

dropped the curtain and blasted out the back door and over the fence。 I had to get out of


I swear I walked ten miles that day。 And I don't know who I was madder at — my grandfather;

Juli; or me。 What was wrong with me? If I wanted to

make it up to Juli; why didn't I just go over there and help? What was stopping me?

I wound up at Garrett's house; and man; I'd never been so glad to see anyone in my life。

Leave it to Garrett to get your mind off anything important。

That dude's the master。 We went out back and shot hoops; watched the tube; and talked

about hitting the water slides this summer。

And when I got home; there was Juli; sprinkling the yard。

She saw me; all right; but she didn't wave or smile or anything。 She just looked away。

Normally what I'd do in that situation is maybe pretend like I hadn't seen her; or give a quick

wave and charge inside。 But she'd been mad at me

for what seemed like ages。 She hadn't said word one to me since the morning of the eggs。

She'd pletely dissed me in math a couple days

before when I'd smiled at her; 

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