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第14部分 (4 / 8)

stopped; looked up into the night; and said; “It must've been a spectacular view。”

I looked up; too; and noticed for the first time that night that you could see the stars。 “Did you

ever see her up there?” I asked him。

“Your mother pointed her out to me one time as we drove by。 It scared me to see her up so

high; but after I read the article I understood why she

did it。” He shook his head。 “The tree's gone; but she's still got the spark it gave her。 Know

what I mean?”

Luckily I didn't have to answer。 He just grinned and said; “Some of us get dipped in flat; some

in satin; some in gloss…。” He turned to me。 “But

……… Page 43………

every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent; and when you do; nothing will ever


As we walked up to our front porch; my grandfather put his arm around my shoulder and said;

“It was nice walking with you; Bryce。 I enjoyed

myself very much。”

“Me too;” I told him; and we went inside。

Right away we knew we'd stepped into a war zone。 And even though no one was yelling or

crying; from the look on my parents' faces I could tell

there'd been a major meltdown while my granddad and I were out。

Granddad whispered to me; “I've got another fence to mend; I'm afraid;” and headed into the

dining room to talk to my parents。

I wanted nothing to do with that vibe。 I went straight to my room; closed the 

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