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第21部分 (7 / 8)

y dad chum it up with Juli's dad—it

was like seeing him lie。 To Mr。 Baker; to Juli; to my

grandfather—to everybody。 Why was he being such a worm? Why couldn't he just act normal?

You know; civil? Why did he have to put on such a

phony show? This went way beyond keeping the peace with my mother。 This was disgusting。

And people said I was the spitting image of my father。 How often had I heard that one? I'd

never thought about it much; but now it was turning my


Mom jingled the dinner bell and called; “Hors d'oeuvres are ready!” and then saw me still

standing in the hallway。 “Bryce; where'd your sister and

the boys go?”

I shrugged。 “Down to her room; I think。” “Go tell them; would you? And then e have some

hors d'oeuvres。”

“Sure;” I said。 Anything to get rid of the taste in my mouth。

Lyta's door was closed。 And normally I would have knocked and called; Mom wants you;

or; Dinner! or something; but in that split second

before my knuckles hit wood; my hand became possessed by Evil Baby Brother。 I turned the

knob and walked right in。

Does Lyta freak out or throw stuff at me and scream for me to get out? No。 She ignores

me。 Matt…and…Mike give me a nod; and Lyta sees

me; but she's got her hands over some headphones and her whole body's bobbing up and

down as she listens to a portable CD player。

Matt…or…Mike whispers; “It's ab

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