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第21部分 (5 / 8)


She wasn't looking at me。 She seemed to be looking at everything but me。 And I felt like an

idiot; standing there in my geeky button…down shirt

with pinched cheeks and nothing to say。 And I got so nervous about having nothing to say

that my heart started going wacko on me; hammering like

it does right before a race or a game or something。

On top of that; she looked more like that stupid picture in the paper than the picture did; if

that makes any sense。 Not because she was all

dressed up — she wasn't。 She was wearing some normal…looking dress and normal…looking

shoes; and her hair was the way it always is except

maybe a little more brushed out。 It was the way she was looking at everything but me; with

her shoulders back and her chin out and her eyes


We probably only stood there for five seconds; but it felt like a year。 Finally I said; “Hi; Juli。”

Her eyes flashed at me; and that's when it sank in— she was mad。 She whispered; “I heard

you and Garrett making fun of my uncle in the library;

and I don't want to speak to you! You understand me? Not now; not ever!”

My mind was racing。 Where had she been? I hadn't seen her anywhere near me in the library!

And had she heard it? Or had she heard it from

somebody else。

I tried to tell her it wasn't me; that it was Garrett; all Garrett。 But she shut me down and made

tracks for

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