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第3部分 (2 / 8)

ng just looking at it! But it was in Mrs。 Loski's hands; and I knew there

was no getting it back。 All I could do was try to eat up

the smells while I listened to the two of them discuss grocery stores and the weather forecast。

After that Mom and I went home。 It was very strange。 I hadn't gotten to play with Bryce at all。

All I knew was that his eyes were a dizzying blue; that

he had a sister who was not to be trusted; and that he'd almost kissed me。

I fell asleep that night thinking about the kiss that might have been。 What did a kiss feel like;

anyway? Somehow I knew it wouldn't be like the one I

got from Mom or Dad at bedtime。 The same species; maybe; but a radically different beast;

to be sure。 Like a wolf and a whippet—only science

would put them on the same tree。

Looking back on the second grade; I like to think it was at least partly scientific curiosity that

made me chase after that kiss; but to be honest; it

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was probably more those blue eyes。 All through the second and third grades I couldn't seem

to stop myself from following him; from sitting by him;

from just wanting to be near him。

By the fourth grade I'd learned to control myself。 The sight of him—the thought of him—still

sent my heart humming; but my legs didn't actually

chase after him anymore。 I just watched and thought and dreamed。

Then in the fifth grade Sh

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