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第4部分 (6 / 8)

 looked lopsided

and naked; and after a few minutes I had to get out of there。 It was like watching someone

dismember a body; and for the first time in ages; I felt like

crying。 Crying。 Over a stupid tree that I hated。

I went home and tried to shake it off; but I kept wondering; Should I have gone up the tree

with her? Would it have done any good?

I thought about calling Juli to tell her I was sorry they'd cut it down; but I didn't。 It would've

been too; I don't know; weird。

She didn't show at the bus stop the next morning and didn't ride the bus home that afternoon;


Then that night; right before dinner; my grandfather summoned me into the front room。 He

didn't call to me as I was walking by — that would have

bordered on friendliness。 What he did was talk to my mother; who talked to me。 “I don't know

what it's about; honey;” she said。 “Maybe he's just

ready to get to know you a little better。”

Great。 The man's had a year and a half to get acquainted; and he chooses now to get to

know me。 But I couldn't exactly blow him off。

My grandfather's a big man with a meaty nose and greased…back salt…and…pepper hair。 He

lives in house slippers and a sports coat; and I've

never seen a whisker on him。 They grow; but he shaves them off like three times a day。 It's a

real recreational activity for him。

Besides his meaty nose; he's also go

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